Find Your Carcoar Connection
Community Services, Organisations and Facilities
Blayney Shire Council - Tel: (02) 6368 2104. Email: council@blayney.nsw.gov.au Website: www.blayney.nsw.gov.au
Carcoar Cricket Club - contact via facebook
Carcoar Medical Centre - 9am to 5pm Wednesday and Friday. Phone 6367 3288 or 6368 9333 for an appointment
Carcoar Police Station - Enquiries: (02) 6367 3002
Carcoar Post Office - Tel: (02) 6367 3077
Carcoar Public School - Tel: (02) 6367 3032
Carcoar School of Arts - Email: carcoarhall@hotmail.com
Click here for hall hire fees
Carcoar Sporting and Recreation Club - Lance Lowe (President). Adam Lowe (Secretary) Phone: 0488 129 724
Carcoar PA & H Society (Showground) - Ph: 02 63673266. Mobile: 0407 262494. Email: pkcawilson@gmail.com
Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception - Tel: (02) 6368 2387. Email: cathpres@bigpond.com
Parish Priest: Fr Timothy Cahill
St Paul's Anglican Church - Email: mckenzie.graham2000@hotmail.com
Police / Fire / Ambulance - In an emergency dial 000
Poisons Information Centre - In an emergency dial 131 126
Shalom House of Prayer - Tel: 6367 3058. Email: shalomcarcoar@gmail.com
State Emergency Service - In an emergency dial 132 500
Uralba Aged care and Respite - Tel: 02 6367 3000. Fax: 02 6367 3168. Email: uralba.carcoar@bigpond.com
For a more comprehensive listing click on the download

This Website is operated for the benefit of the community. Listings are free to all local businesses and organisations wishing to highlight themselves to residents and visitors.