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Events & Community Noticeboard
Watch this space for upcoming events, news, downloads and links
'Showtime' Cancellation
Carcoar Public School P & C have announced the cancellation of their "Showtime" talent quest due to insufficient bookings. The committee would like to thank all those who lent their support. The P & C will be holding a cake stall at the School on election day so bring your money when you come to vote and enjoy some good old fashioned home baking.
Village Notice Board
The Carcoar Village Notice Board has been installed and has already received much favourable comment on the way it blends in with the streetscape. Located on the wall of the old Youth Club in Belubula Street the much anticipated notice board has been finely crafted from cedar by talented artisan Danny John.
The board is available to anyone wanting to highlight an event, interest group or services to the community. Access is available by contacting Colleen at the Enterprise Store. The middle panel will soon feature a map of the town. A big thank you to Danny John for dedicating his skills to this project and to all those who helped with its installation. You can see other examples of Danny's work at
Carcoar School of Arts
The Carcoar School of Arts is a community run facility which is available for meetings and functions. The premises are fully insured and contain a fully equipped kitchen, disability access, audio visual equipment and a stage. The main hall can accomodate up to one hundred persons. The most recent of Carcoar's public buildings, the hall has been a focus for gatherings for well over a century and in the past it has also housed the Municipal Council Chambers, billiard room and lending library. Internally, at the southern end of the building, is a large mural which forms the stage backdrop. The mural was painted by local artist Liz Darmody and is based on the work of Evan Lumme who, during the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries, chronicled life in the district through his photography.
For bookings and details of hiring fees contact Linda Williams on 6367 3125
CVA Executive Resigns.
The committee of the Carcoar Village Association resigned at the last general meeting andas of Wednesday June 23, a new interim Executive has been installed to look after the interests of the Carcoar Community. The AGM of the association is to be held within the next two months. The new executive is as follows:
President -Jill Cole
Vice President -John Burke
Secretary -Evan Lee
Treasurer -Linda Williams
Hazel Van Dartel, Diane Blazely and Eric Foote are ordinary members.
Stoke Stable Update
In January work started on the repair of the stonework and related conservation matters at Stoke Stable Museum. The scope of works covered by our grant from MGNSW and funds from the Historical Society has been completed, however additional essential works that were not anticipated by our consultants, but were identified during the course of the restoration, will need to be completed before we can re-open the building. The Society has arranged finance of $10,225 for a supplementary scope of works. Weather permitting, our stonemason will resume work inside and outside the building in July, for about four weeks, after which the museum and environs will be prepared for public access in Spring. The Historical Society would like to thank the Carcoar community and the touring public for their patience and understanding during this necessary disruption to one of Carcoar's popular attractions (Carcoar Historical Society Press Release).
Shalom Savours Culinary Success
The dinner plates have been stacked and the cutlery polished and put away but guests who attended Shalom's Annual Fundraising Dinner last Saturday evening are still savouring the experience. This year's dinner was an all family affair with John Hansen cooking with his brother Patrick, daughter Gabrielle and sister-in-law Fran. Not to be outdone by the likes of local celebrity friends Michael Manners (21 Career SMH Hats) and Kate Bracks (Masterchef winner 2011), who have been invited to help out in the kitchen on previous occasions, Shalom's in-house chefs whipped up an array of truly delicious dishes supplemented by some fine wines. The room was also beautifully decorated with the assistance of Libby Pickett who did the flower arrangements. Candles were everywhere, white tablecloths and black serviettes. “We always make it a special night for a limited number of only 30 guests,” said John Hansen, “ and try our best to provide a fine dining experience featuring great food with some light entertainment and wonderful wines... This year our entertainer was Stephanie Grace ( who was fantastic.“ Money from this year's fundraiser will be put towards building an outdoor wood-fired bread oven. Photos below courtesy of Shalom.
For more details of upcoming Shalom events download the brochure below
It Came From Outer Space....
On Wednesday, May 18, residents of the Central Tablelands could have been forgiven for thinking that they had entered the realm of science fiction when a large orange orb was observed hovering in the southern sky around 5pm. The Bathurst Observatory Research Facility was inundated with calls from concerned residents. The orange glow lasted for about an hour before fading to a dull white smudge. At times the changing light and hazy cloud made it appear that the object had flickering lights around the outer edge with a hole in the centre.
It turns out that the glow was actually a giant weather balloon which had been launched by NASA from New Zealand on Tuesday. The balloon is the size of 92 Goodyear blimps. Let's hope that this balloon has more success than the last one launched by NASA which lasted a mere 32 days before rupturing and coming to ground on the NSW/Queensland border.
School of Arts Outcome
The School of Arts saga appears to have reached its conlusion. After much deliberation Blayney Shire Council has decided not to take on the trusteeship for the Carcoar School of Arts but they have pledged to provide assistance in setting up a new management committee.
At Last!
Last April it was announced in this column that momentum was building for a village workshop to bring together different ideas and craft a vision for the future of our town. This 'conversation' would result in the 'Our Carcoar Plan' and now, many months later, this plan has been endorsed by the Carcoar Village Association. At the recent CVA meeting the secretary for the Association, Andrew Baulch, said that while they would endorse the plan some of the more 'fanciful' ideas would not be adopted. If you know of practical ways of implementing some of these goals then I am sure that the Village Association would be happy to hear from you. Why not email them at
Carcoar Railway Station
On Friday February 12 a small group of interested locals met with the Council's General Manager and a representative of the John Holland Group to discuss the future of the disused station and its potential for either commercial use or as a community facility. The station has been closed for a number of years and for many, this was the first opportunity to see inside. Already two community groups have expressed an interest in the building.
This Website is operated for the benefit of the community. Listings are free to all local businesses and organisations wishing to highlight themselves to residents and visitors.

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