The Year In Review
At the recent Annual General Meeting of The Carcoar Village Association president Jill Cole
reflected on the achievements of the past twelve months. As her report shows Carcoar has had a very successful past year and the CVA has set a positive agenda for the next twelve months with a number of new projects already underway. Read on for the full report:
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Thank you to all the active members of the CVA for a good calm year with many achievements. Thanks to John Burke for his supporting role as Deputy President, to the Committee members Di Blazley, Eric Foote, and Hazel van Dartel – with a special thank you to Evan Lee for carrying the heaviest part of the load. The position of Secretary always carries extra duties, but Evan’s work with Australia Day comes under a different category altogether.
With the election to the Treasurer’s position of Linda Williams, a ‘Treasure’ has been revealed. The former problematic and chaotic financial reporting is now a thing-of –the-past, and confidence has been restored in the handling of funds and the reporting to membership. Thank you Evan and Linda.
Evan has also represented us as Carcoar’s representative via the Blayney Council Towns and Villages Committee.
Hazel van Dartel has done a sterling job with the ‘Welcome Packs’ for distribution to new residents. Di, and Todd and Eric have been involved with every project put forward. During the year, the Carmanhurst Committee was formed to oversee funding opportunities for Carcoar, Mandurama and Lyndhurst, with the contracted employment of Development Co-ordinator, Dani Stonestreet. Eric was elected as the Chairman of the Carmanhurst group. so ably managed by Todd Hahn, has kept the world informed of all things ‘Carcoar’, as well as the column in the Blayney Chronicle.
The Australia Day Fair is a huge undertaking for a small village. This year’s Fair was a huge success, thanks to a well-co-ordinated plan. New signage, TV advertising, changes to the parking arrangements all worked well, and although there were some parking hiccoughs with the unprecedented large crowd, overall it is a positive showcase of what a small community can achieve.
The Pound Flat project has been supported by the CVA members, and progress reports form part of our agenda.
Thanks to Libby Pickett and her Flower Pot helpers for the continued planting and watering of the street garden pots.
The ‘Our Carcoar Plan’ has been to the forefront of decisions made by CVA, to meet improvements suggested at public meetings organised by Blayney Council.
Planning for a Street Library is still on the agenda, waiting for the building work to be carried out on the former Tea-Rooms/Medical Centre building.
Seating near the river bank has been approved and is under discussion with Council’s Parks & Gardens staff.
The three information panels to be installed in the bus shelter are nearing completion. They will tell visitors about Carcoar, but will also emphasise the Carcoar community’s pride in our history and environment. Visitor numbers to Carcoar have a flow-on effect to the community via prospering businesses and a sense of vibrancy. It may even encourage new residents - something much needed.
I see it as being a role of the CVA to tell the world that Carcoar offers a great lifestyle, in a clean, healthy environment and that new young families should consider moving here. Perhaps that can be promoted in conjunction with the major events in Carcoar – Australia Day, the Show, the Garden Expo and the Carcoar Cup as well as website and Facebook opportunities.
On the ‘plus’ side has been the reinvigorated pub, the establishment of the Sports Club, and the proposed establishment of a Medical Centre.
On the ‘minus’ side, is the closure of the Enterprise Store. The CVA joined with the School of Arts Committee to pay tribute to Colleen and Charlie for their many years at the store and their support for Carcoar.
Blayney Council has continued to support Carcoar throughout the year and are an integral part of implementing many of the projects.
Thank you everyone for all your hard work. Jill M Cole, CVA President 19/7/2017