Carcoar Village Community Plan 2016-2026

It’s time to check in to review the Carcoar Village Community Plan 2016-2026 Date: Wednesday 22 November Time: 6pm – 8pm Venue: Carcoar School of Arts Hall Blayney Shire Council in conjunction with Carcoar Village Committee invite you to come along and share your thoughts whilst we revisit the vision and projects for Carcoar. We will review the Carcoar Village Community Plan created last year so that community projects feed into the new Blayney Shire Community Strategic Plan to be developed in 2018. A prosperous and healthy village, businesses and community is dependent on everyone working together. Everyone is welcome. A light supper, tea and coffee provided. Carcoar - The Town Time Forgot An initiative supported by Blayney Shire Council and the Carcoar Village Committee